Here’s How Social Security Disability Reviews Work
When you are accepted to receive SSD or SSI benefits, you will be under review of your medical condition every so often so they can make sure you still qualify for disability. If your health hasn’t improved or you are still not capable of performing work activities, you will still be able to receive your benefits. The reviewing process is beneficial to both the applicant as well as Social Security so they are both on the same page. Social Security will evaluate all of the evidence in your case in order to determine your disability.
SSA, by law, is required to regularly review disability cases to make sure the recipient is still eligible for benefits. There are two kinds of reviews that can be coordinated:
- Continuing Eligibility Review — SSA will review your disability and determine if by the SSA definition, you are still disabled.
- Redeterminations — Your finances, resources, as well as income are all reviewed to determine if you still meet the basic requirements under SSDI and SSI.
How is a Social Security disability review done?
You will receive a letter in the mail from Social Security when your disability is up for review. The letter will ask about your medical conditions, the effects they have on you, and if there has been any improvements. You will also need to bring any information about your treatments and what work you have completed since you have been accepted for SSD benefits. An examiner from Social Security will request medical information from your doctors and your medical provider and will review all information that is appropriate to your case.
If the medical evidence you provide isn’t up to date then an exam may be requested. Every three years that you are on disability, a disability review will be conducted by Social Security, but the time frame may change depending on your condition and when improvements are expected to be made. If improvements are not expected, your case will be reviewed every seven years.
There are several categories of how Social Security figures out reviewing times:
- If your condition is likely to improve
- Possibility of improvement
- No improvement at all
If a disability has been reviewed and the medical condition has not improved, you will still receive disability benefits. Benefits will only stop if there is an evidence found in the review that your disability has improved and you are capable of working again.
How to prepare for disability case reviews:
- You should continue your doctors visits and receive regular medical care so you can maintain your health, but also keeping your medical records up to date for Social Security.
- Keeping up with copies of your records so they can be easily accessed whenever your case needs to be reviewed with SSA.
- Taking all medications that you are prescribed as it is instructed. If you do fail to attend doctors appointments and orders, you can be terminated from receiving disability benefits.
- Though, it is important to keep your medical records up to date, it is also critical to your case that you keep original documents as well. You will need to reference back to these documents and previous forms you have filled out to reevaluate your progress. If you are working with a disability attorney, they will make sure their office keeps these all organized for your case.
How can your disability benefits stop?
If there is evidence during your review that you medical condition has improved, then SS has the right to stop your benefits. If your medical evidence is inconsistent and so are your reports of doctors visits, then you can have a consultative exam called. The exam will be done by a doctor selected by SSA and paid by them as well. If your benefits are going to be terminated after this exam based on results, then you can appeal this decision. Your disability benefits can be stopped if:
- You are capable of working because your treatment has been working.
- There was a mistake made by SSA that allowed you to receive your disability benefits.
- Treatments that have been ordered by your doctor are not being followed and if you followed them, you could be capable of working.
- There has been untrue or deceptive information given to SSA, that resulted in winning your claim to get disability benefits.
- The recipient is not complying and the reason for it is not valid.
- You are working and the average amount you make each month exceeds gainful work.
Generally speaking, your benefits will continue for as long as you are disabled, but things may change based on your disability review. Be prepared for the review that you will encounter when you are under SSD. You are the only one responsible for the improvement in your condition, so reporting any additional information that changes during your time with SSD, is critical.