What Should Your Medical Evidence For Social Security Look Like?
In a Social Security Disability — SSD — case, having medical evidence can come in all forms and is critical to your case. The types of evidence can be anything from treatment notes, medical records, or physical exams. Medical evidence should be timely, precise, and sufficient. Medical records are the best ones that are typed up, have all the details of the claimants complaints, results of exams done, how the doctor is treating it, and future plans. Sometimes, physicians don’t have all of this information available. Timely, precise, and sufficient mean the following to medical evidence:
These medical evidence should be relevant enough to backup your recent condition. If you have a condition that is constantly changing and you need to consistently get checkups, so all of your information should be up to date and show the progress of the treatment. Usually, the evidence shouldn’t be later than six months ago, but if the information from later dates is still relevant to your condition, if can be used.
Your medical condition should be described based on the Blue Book standard that SSA provides. A medical opinion that has unbiased evidence will no be considered precise. This means that if a doctor says that you can’t perform a certain task, but doesn’t have any actual evidence to back it up, then it can’t be used as medical evidence.
Sufficient records
The medical evidence you provide, should have enough information for it to be considered appropriate medical sources. SSA should be able to make a decision based on the evidence and should be able to tell the severity of the claimants condition.
Your doctor should have detailed records that include your medical history. SSA is distinct with how detailed an applicants application should be. Medical records that have the most detailed information suitable for SS are statements from your doctor that is treating the claimant. The treating doctor will know the claimants condition better than any other source and because of that, they will have the most accurate information.
When filing for SSD benefits, you want to have a physician and a disability lawyer behind your case. The reports from your doctor are going to be reviewed the most by a SSD representative. When you hire a lawyer for your case, they will be able to review your information and ensure that you are providing the appropriate information to best support your claim.